Ahmnodt Heare for President

Ahmnodt Heare For America… Ahmnodt Heare For You.

Riding the Gravy Train

One of the prices one pays as one becomes more popular is that some people want to ride one’s coattails.  One of the worst coattail riders is spammers.  These people will plug any product anywhere without knowledge of the topic and without consent of the blogger.

I would like to thank WordPress for having a Spam filter that gets most of the spam before it gets posted.  Some of the spam that gets filtered include “Viagra for Kids” and “Nancy Pelosi Nude!” pictures.

I understand that people want to start a business but they don’t have money for advertising.  I am an understanding person.  I will allow spam under the following provisions:

  • It must be topical – Don’t plug your brothel if I am talking about child care.  Plugging your brothel is acceptable only when I blog about a topic related to brothels and you provide me with round-trip transportation to and your brothel so I can sample for quality assurance for my readers.
  • It must be legal – I do not want to get in trouble for something I did not post.  If I do get in trouble, I will find you and make you listen to “Little River Band” 24/7 until you crack.
  • If possible, I would like a free sample (providing it is legal).

I hope we can work together on this.  And although I do not require it, it would be nice if you endorse me for president on your website.

October 16, 2009 - Posted by | Ahmnodt, campaign, commentary, editorial, endorsement, humor, satire | , , , , , , ,


  1. I fear you are letting them off easy and could appear weak against abusive corporate interests by not requiring an endorsement or at least a lovely icon of your campaign and a link.

    They want your advertising of their products so why shouldn’t they reciprocate with adversizing of your candidacy?

    I’m totally supportive of your candidacy but I fear your campaign advisors are dropping the ball on some issues.

    Comment by David | October 16, 2009

  2. David, I am confident that people will be willing to participate and endorse me on their website. I am not at liberty to explain how I know this, but you should soon see endorsements on other websites.

    Comment by Ahmnodt Heare | October 16, 2009

  3. […] Heare for President Riding the Gravy TrainNFL Week 6 […]

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